Großes Lob an Vevor! Bei der Lieferung der Ware war ein undichtes Manometer dabei. Kann ja mal passieren. 2, 3 Mails zwischen Vevor und mir und schon kam super schnell Ersatz. Klasse! Vielen Dank dafür!
I could have bough 4 of these for the price of the Air Venturi Pump. The construction is all metal rather than plastic components and works fine. Breaks down easily for pack or storage. I would buy this again or before any other overpriced model.
It definitely can charge a 68ci tank to at least 3,000 psi but holy crap does it take a while and you definitely need to let the pump cool down after about 150 pumps it takes around 800-900 pumps to fill a 68 ci tank to 3000 but overall decent buy