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VEVOR Fitness-Schlitten, 3,5 kg Fitness-Schlitten 54,9 x 43,2 x 25,4 cm Fitness-Schlitten, Fitness-Schlitten 226,8 kg Maximale Belastbarkeit, Inklusive 10" strapazierfähigem Schultergurt

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Fitness-Schlitten, 3,5 kg Fitness-Schlitten 54,9 x 43,2 x 25,4 cm Fitness-Schlitten, Fitness-Schlitten 226,8 kg Maximale Belastbarkeit, Inklusive 10" strapazierfähigem Schultergurt


20 Bewertungen
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Matthias Fleischmann Matthias Fleischmann
Ich liebe dieses Produkt
Dieses Produkt ist sehr geeignet für seine Verwendung. Ich empfehle es sehr.
Mathias Gralher Mathias Gralher
Wie in der Beschreibung angegeben
Ich war ein wenig skeptisch diesen Artikel nur zu kaufen, weil ich nicht gerne Dinge wie diese kaufen möchte, ohne es live und persönlich sehen zu können.
Christian Bergström Christian Bergström
Wie die Beschreibung
Es ist schön zu sehen, wie dünn und billig etwas gemacht wird, anstatt sich auf ein Bild und eine kurze Beschreibung zu verlassen.
Rüdiger Lippke Rüdiger Lippke
Es ist ein guter Deal.
Allerdings war dieses Produkt gut für meine Bedürfnisse geeignet und leicht installiert. Wenn ich einen weiteren Satz dieser Treppengeländer brauche, weiß ich, wo ich sie bekomme.
Karlheinz Sommer Karlheinz Sommer
Jeremy Jeremy
Happybuy Fitness Sled
Haven't used it yet, but it seems just as sturdy as the more expensive ones I've seen in gyms.
Kipi Kipi
Not bad. Directions needs updating.
It works but you'll need to grasp at a low level in order to push, due to the flimsy poles.Directions needs to be updated. I thought I was short nuts, due to the directions. Come to find out, it doesn't require bolts. It screws in. Wasted a trip to Home Depot.
Anthony J. Pitruzzello Anthony J. Pitruzzello
Nice items but does not accept Rogue accessories
The sled appears to be well made and easy to assemble. I had to make a set of rug-covered wooden runners so that the steel runners would not cut grooves into the cement floor of my garage. I noted a review stating that Rogue accessories fit this sled. So, when I ordered this sled from Amazon, I also ordered an extra set of upright poles from Rogue. Turns out the Rogue poles were wider and much heavier than the upright poles that came with the Happybuy sled. The Rogue upright poles didn't fit. Rogue allows a return, but that's at the customer's expense. Cost me $20 to return the poles. Bottom line: sled appears to be a good buy, but I wouldn't count on using Rogue accessories. Also, my impression originally was that this is the Rogue Dog Sled 1.2 sold as a generic. Given the size and weight of the poles sent by Rogue, I would guess the actual Rogue Dog Sled is substantially heavier and stronger. Whether that matters depends on whether you're able to load 1000+ lbs. Sadly, I'm not.
kelleyr kelleyr
good sled, but could be better
This is a pretty good sled for the price. The biggest drawback that I noticed is that it only fits Olympic size weight plates. The standard weight plates just barely don't fit, so I'm not sure why they didn't make the pole slightly smaller in diameter.
Antione Manning Antione Manning
Useful but. Clips are small

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