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VEVOR 12 kg Krankenpflege PflegepuppePatient Care Manikin Frau, 26 Arten Krankenpflegepuppe Medizinisch Ausbildung Demonstration PVC Kunststoff, 46 Zoll Training Model Weiblich Lehre & Bildung

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR 12 kg Krankenpflege PflegepuppePatient Care Manikin Frau, 26 Arten Krankenpflegepuppe Medizinisch Ausbildung Demonstration PVC Kunststoff, 46 Zoll Training Model Weiblich Lehre & Bildung


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7 Bewertungen
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P4Edu P4Edu
Bewertet amMar 21, 2024
IV Übungsarm Modell Blutabnahme - hat alles super geklappt, kaufen gerne wieder ein, Lieferung top, Qualität auch
Bewertet amFeb 24, 2023
Marcus Herrmann Marcus Herrmann
alles super
Bewertet amJan 02, 2022
Eric L. Eric L.
Works well for educational training
Bewertet amJun 27, 2021
Overall the the mannequin has met my expectations, I use it for training. My RN is able to demonstrate care techniques to my unlicensed personal. My RN says it works very will in her classes. The one downside is the head, it is challenging to attach, and then to stay on. Which on an upside allows for some stress relief laughter, on the downside it is annoying and can throw off the rhythm during training / instruction.
Janette B. Janette B.
No English instruction manual
Bewertet amMar 07, 2021
The mannikin is great, however there was no English instruction manual. I contacted the company and they asked for my order number, however I haven't heard anything from them for a month.
Vanity Barr-Little Vanity Barr-Little
Bewertet amJan 01, 2021
Good value for money, lasts me about 2 years for my pre-nursing school training equipment.
Jessica Jessica
Great for training staff
Bewertet amNov 05, 2021
Thumbs up! Especially for the price! We will be utilizing the dummy for caregiver training.

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