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VEVOR Pool Zaun 122 x 76 cm Zaun für Schwimmbad 340 g/m2 Teslin Gitterstoff Poolzaun Kindersicher mit Aluminiumfußrohr Pool Sicherheitsbarrieren

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Pool Zaun 122 x 76 cm Zaun für Schwimmbad 340 g/m2 Teslin Gitterstoff Poolzaun Kindersicher mit Aluminiumfußrohr Pool Sicherheitsbarrieren


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4 Bewertungen
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Joseline Garay Joseline Garay
If you have the right tools to assemble it’s easy! It’s good for the money
Bewertet amOct 10, 2021
If you don’t have a handy man husband with a assistant aka my father the assembly will be difficult jr my husband said it’s easy with the correct tools. It looks nice for the price . As well if you don’t separate the fence it will not be sturdy you have to make sure you give them enough space to become sturdy! Overall great
Funtimes Funtimes
Latch is a little flimsy. Otherwise works good
Bewertet amJan 29, 2022
We are using it for pool fence. The fence is great. The gate needs a better latch and an extra latch positioned up higher.
Hines57 Hines57
Good for temporary use
Bewertet amSep 07, 2021
We set this up during a family vacation to keep the toddlers away from the pool when needed. This fence was so hard to set up! It’s supposed to be able to come down very easily but we had to take a crowbar and a hammer to get it up and out of the brackets that hold it in the concrete. We even had to put Vaseline on each pole to get it into the brackets in the concrete. The advertisement stating that it takes one or two people a couple of minutes to take it up and put it down just is not true. We are thankful that we had it but it was not easy. For the price it was absolutely wonderful! We needed the fence and it didn’t break the budget.
faik muratovic faik muratovic
Easy to assemble and install
Bewertet amFeb 05, 2021
Easy to installSafety lock

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