The shipping was fast. Very impressed. Then I opened the box. The small parts bag was ripped in multiple places, and the small parts were all over the inside of the box, and inside some of the Handrail parts. The other small plastic bag was also crushed, so some of the metal pieces were bent. Corrected in my shop with multiple tools. The directions were crumpled and used as packing. The thin paper was ripped, and pieces were missing. Not sure is this is a standard affair or just a one off with careless packing. The directions are pictures only with no dimensions. I measured the diameter of the concrete fasteners, which was 1/2 inch. So I drilled 1/2 inch holes into my brick porch. I should have drilled one or two sizes smaller because the drilled holes were too large for the fasteners to expand and tighten. Ended up putting a few wraps of good old fashion duct tape on the fasteners. Issue solved. The actual installation went well. Handrail was anchored firmly. Thats when I noticed a large chip out of the top railing. Used some touch-up paint. I was very disappointed in the fact the there is no way to contact the seller or manufacturer. No phone, no email. You are on your own. For the price one would think you would have a way to contact customer service. So much for the name "Happybuy" but maybe this is meant for the ones who have my money!! :-) My wife is happy with the outcome, so in the end I am happy.