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VEVOR Edelstahl Grillplatte, Weber Grillrost Edelstahl 81 x 43 x 8 cm, Grillrost rund mit großer Oberfläche, Grillrost Gusseisen mit 2 Schaufeln, Plancha passend für Grills der Weber Baureihe

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Edelstahl Grillplatte, Weber Grillrost Edelstahl 81 x 43 x 8 cm, Grillrost rund mit großer Oberfläche, Grillrost Gusseisen mit 2 Schaufeln, Plancha passend für Grills der Weber Baureihe

81 x 43 cm


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23 Bewertungen
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Francine Gasparini Francine Gasparini
Great gift for husband
Great gift for my husband, he loves it. Wish the tilt back wasn’t as steep but still did the job and worked great
Juan Torres Juan Torres
Thickness is very good cuality
Great heavy cast iron griddle! Love it!
Great for fire pit table. Cast iron griddle!
K. Mohr K. Mohr
Perfect for parties!
This assortment was a wonderful way to display food at an Art Opening event. The long skewers stood up well when holding fruit and dipped in chocolate. The colored flowers on the end of the small skewers were a little bigger than I expected, but the colors were bright and vibrant and really added to the table. Very high quality; I would definitely recommend these for your next party!
Juan Hermosillo Juan Hermosillo
Contento con mi plancha de acero inoxidable
Me gusto esta plancha use los Refuerzos de la bieja plancha para que no se torciera con lo caliente
Toby Toby
Good investment
Only need a few charcoals you can easily feed 5 people to full. Your hands will need no gloves for the cooking process. Easy to clean, solid build. Happy about this investment love the flavor too
Ali Ali
If you didn’t like it, that means that you don’t know how to use it
It was a such good deal, we really enjoyed this product with my friends, I still remember taste of salmon which was cooked perfectly with this tool, fairly enough for 10-15 people party
Beth Miles Beth Miles
Happy with this grill
Well, I like it. I wouldn’t say it’s top quality but it’s good for a small space and transportable. Large cooking area and easier than big bulky kettle style grill. Would buy again
Ginger L Claridge Ginger L Claridge
Great addition to my cast iron collection
So far have only used the griddle at home, but plan to take it camping soon. You do have to work with the base a little bit to get it assembled but once you do, everything is very sturdy. Just like all cast iron, you have season and care for it, but it grills up beautifully. The large size makes it a great addition to our cast iron collection.
Patricia Patricia
So usedfull
I do small bites on my business, I recommend it so much, it is so practical and you can choose, depending on the size that you need.

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