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VEVOR Einkaufstrolley Einkaufswagen Klappbar 50 kg Belastbar, Einkaufsroller Handwagen Multifunktional , Shoppingtrolley Faltbar für Wäsche, Lebensmittel, Camping-Werkzeuge usw.

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Einkaufstrolley Einkaufswagen Klappbar 50 kg Belastbar, Einkaufsroller Handwagen Multifunktional , Shoppingtrolley Faltbar für Wäsche, Lebensmittel, Camping-Werkzeuge usw.


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18 Bewertungen
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Sehr zufrieden, sehr praktisch für meine Arbeit. Ein sehr praktisches Tool für meine Routine. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Engineer at large Engineer at large
A pretty big cart - but easy to assembly and easy to push or pull - great for laundry and shopping
At first it seemed to big, but then when it came to laundry time, it handled a big load with ease. It also folds to pretty flat. Also, if you are short, this handle may be a little too high. But it was not a problem for someone who is 4 foot 8 inches tall. The male model in the photo is 5 feet 10 inches tall to give you a reference. Also, this comes with a liner (optional if you want to use it) that will give your items privacy and prevent them from water getting wet. It is rated at 330 pounds but I wouldn't put that much in it. It is very easy to push or pull, but they do make smaller ones if this seems too big for you.
Treena Weathersby Treena Weathersby
Great Product
This is a very good product, it is easy to store and it is durable.
Y.Mata Y.Mata
Use with ease
We use this for laundry and it’s perfect. Not difficult to maneuver and super easy to push while holding my baby. The liner is sturdy and I love the size. Value is great. Haven’t had any problems with the wheels when we take it on the street either
Very sturdy and easy to use
Very sturdy and easy to use making carrying in groceries a lot easier.
Annalisa Strupp Annalisa Strupp
Truly amazing!
This shopping cart stands up to its claim of carrying over 300 pounds! Plus the cart moves with ease!If you use a shopping cart, this is the one to get!!!
Ms.Fireford fr Texas Ms.Fireford fr Texas
Would totally recommend
Great cart! Large but "drives" easily and easy to load and unload. Well worth the money.
marcia thomas marcia thomas
I love it. It is sturdy and holds a lot. This allows me to do my shopping.
Ray Ray
Very good quality build
So easy to assemble and the quality of much better than the one I had before. Great value. I recommend this one highly
VEVOR Customer VEVOR Customer
Sz is great
This is a great basket to use easy to put together and nice to push very easy

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