This came packaged very nicely. It did not have a lot of pieces to assemble. Just the wheels. It came with instructions, but it was not that easy to figure out how to assemble. I had to guess and hope for the best. I'm still not positive if I did it right, but I tested it out and it worked well. It's very easy to retract to a slimmer profile and tuck away. It maneuvers well and I like the extra basket section closest to the handle. The assembly was confusing to me because I was not positive what order to put in the discs and nuts. The part that threw me off is this hairpin looking thing and I want to say I did it correctly. I stuck it into the hole and then you have to pry it apart to hug the plastic piece. I used the wrench thing to help me bend. No clue if this was right, but the wheels haven't popped off on my first use.