I am so very thankful I got this "complete" set of metric dies vs saving $30 and getting just a popular sizes kit.The very first project I did (work on a metric motorcycle) end up using die sizes NOT present in any of the "common size" kits I considered buying. I feel like a genius. I bought this kit and as a result, I had every tooling I needed.What I like best about this kit is it is a complete set. Some reviewers said they had tooling mis-labled or missing. I manually verified each and every piece of my kit and found it was complete/perfect.Some reviewers state there are "duplicate" taps. This is not quite true, what is true is each tap size comes in pairs which vary only by how aggressively each of the pair is tapered. If one doesn't care about taper then I can see how one might think they are duplicates. but the taper is teh difference.The two things I like least are:* I find the only way to open this case and have all the taps/dies remain snapped into their respective positions is to open the case by resting the case on its hinge/spine and "butterfly" open the case so each side falls to horizontal. Conversely stated, If you open the case like a briefcase then tooling will spill.* I am a newbie to taps & dies but my newbie reaction to the quality of the tap/die handles is they are not as robustly made as taps/dies themselves.The tooling came perfect and shiny.But I can see the bare metal tooling might rust with humidity/storage.To prevent rusting in storage I used a silicone spray on the entire inside as to coat every piece.Hopefully, this "fogging" will result in the kit remaining perfect in storage.