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VEVOR Frittiermaschine 3/8 Zoll, Kartoffelschneider, Pommes-Schneidemaschine, zum Schneiden von Gemüse / Obst / Gurken / Kartoffeln / Zwiebeln / Pilz / Äpfeln

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Frittiermaschine 3/8 Zoll, Kartoffelschneider, Pommes-Schneidemaschine, zum Schneiden von Gemüse / Obst / Gurken / Kartoffeln / Zwiebeln / Pilz / Äpfeln

3/8 inch


Bewertungen nach Funktionen

  • 4.9
  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • 4.7
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5 Bewertungen
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Jata 2 Jata 2
Great product
Bewertet amJul 19, 2022
Love this product with its 4 different cutting sizes. The wedge one I’ll probably not use. It makes short work of dicing onions for adding to egg & tuna salad sandwiches, ect. The one blade I wish it did have is a slicing blade. It would make using this product more versatile without having to use a separate appliance.But other than that, so far it seems ok although I’ve only tried it the once so far for dicing the onions with ease. I will still have to use it more to see if the blades hold up for long term use, although each blade set does come with a couple of extra blade inserts in case one breaks.
Fast prep
Bewertet amMay 27, 2022
Sarah Sarah
Bewertet amMar 21, 2022
Best purchase ever!!! Love it so much. Cuts like got knife through butter!
Kbjug Kbjug
Does a Great Job
Bewertet amMar 21, 2022
I love this little chopper. I have a home canning business and need a very fine dice for my jellies ( onions, peppers and jalapeno peppers). I put the onions through three times and peppers twice. So for the first time through the onions are just a long quite coarse dice. I do all of them at once. Then I pour that all back into a bowl, and run through the second time. I repeat the taking them and putting them all into a bowl and then run them through a third time. The dice is super fine and just right for my jelly. I do find that the veggies fly around a lot, so I have one of those clear Cambro containers that I put the whole chopper in ) obviously without the lid ) and that keeps the veggies where I need them to be. The first time my employee used this, it cut three hours off of the time it used to take her to hand chop the veggies. Great little machine for the price!
ravinder sareen ravinder sareen
nice chopper
Bewertet amMar 21, 2022
it's good for commercial use ....

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