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VEVOR Pistolenkoffer Abschließbarer Kurzwaffenkoffer 6 Pistolen Schwarz

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Pistolenkoffer Abschließbarer Kurzwaffenkoffer 6 Pistolen Schwarz

Vorgeschnittene Auskleidung 6


4 Bewertungen
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VEVOR Customer VEVOR Customer
Gun case
Bewertet amOct 16, 2024
Great quality! Great price!
Spencer Spencer
Vevor means quality
Bewertet amOct 07, 2024
This little hard case is fantastic! It's built to last and comes with foam that I was able to cut to fit a gun beside my bed. The best part is that I can lock it, so even if my kids find it, they won't be able to open it. The only downside is that the latches are a little stiff at first, but they loosen up after some use. Overall, this is another excellent VEVOR product.
Timothy Timothy
Solid heavy duty case
Bewertet amOct 06, 2024
This case is solid on the outside but the foam inside is precut in little sections to make it universal. I’m understanding of why they did this but at the same time it can be tricky for some profiles of getting the right fit. It may bout be as accommodating for some models as others. Lock tabs to fit your tsa locks and seals nicely. Overall a good case meeting your transporting needs. Not overly pricey either.
Meat Popsicle Meat Popsicle
Pretty sturdy and affordable
Bewertet amOct 03, 2024
The VEVOR Hard Pistol Cases with Pre-cut PU Foam is a great case for a great price! It's quality top to bottom, front to back and allows for easy fit to whatever you want to put in it. It's not the biggest case out there, but holds whatever I need it to without issue and I feel very safe putting my stuff in it.

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