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VEVOR Schmuck Kugelschraubstock Kugelschraubstock Gravierwerkzeug 78 mm Kugeldurchmesser, Jewellery Ball Vice Engraving 54 mm Max. Öffnung Professionelles Kugelschraubstock Werkzeug Verchromung

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Schmuck Kugelschraubstock Kugelschraubstock Gravierwerkzeug 78 mm Kugeldurchmesser, Jewellery Ball Vice Engraving 54 mm Max. Öffnung Professionelles Kugelschraubstock Werkzeug Verchromung


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14 Bewertungen
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Ringe Ringe
Bewertet amMar 10, 2025
Eine gute Alternative von Preis+Leistung zu den Markenprodukten, wenn sie nicht hochprofessionell 12h/Tag genutzt werden.
Michael Michael
Bewertet amJan 28, 2025
Price: Unbeatable. Material: Solid Steel and heavy like it should be. Operation: Easy- Usefull for any type of small precision works. I use for final adjustments in high precision mechanics for High tech optomechanic Equipments which a standard vise wont help due to complex shapes. Acessories: sufficent for most aplications- but a bonus you can make up your own which fit custom to the support.. The base in heavy hard rubber - well designed with running surfaces points integrated. The ball is in two parts and permitts rotating of upperhalf which is another bonus. Surfaces hardchromed so no rust here. In all . This product is a very well designed tool from the traditional old ball vises. Comparing the price- this tool cost at least a third form the traditional ones and has at least 6 times or more versatility than the compercial traditional ones. Its heavy (9kg) but if you are a Pro and want to work without hassle, buy this one , the lighter ones may not be that stable as this one and its a lifetime investment. to break it only with brute force or a sledge hammer and then even it can be fixed. for me its perfect and worth every Euro .
Mikel Mikel
Bewertet amOct 26, 2024
Der Kugelschraubstock kommt mit diversem Zubehör und macht genau das, was er soll! Sein Ring hat eine Gleit- und eine Halteseite, somit für Gravur- oder Setzarbeiten zu benutzen. Das gesamte Werkzeug macht einen stabilen und soliden Eindruck. Mit dem Zubehör ist der Preis sehr gut!
Dav Dav
Bewertet amAug 06, 2024
Wenn du ein oder zwei Wochen nicht benutzt, fängt an zu rosten aber an sich selbst ist guter Artikel
This is not a Jeweller This is not a Jeweller
Amazing product
Bewertet amJun 14, 2024
Just did my first engraving with the ball - i am excited. The turning of the ball is very smooth, resistance can be adjusted easily and precisely. The workpieces are held firmly in place. Great!
Daniela Horvátová Daniela Horvátová
Bewertet amApr 26, 2024
Bin sehr zufrieden, es vereinfacht die Arbeit. Es ist einfach zu benutzen. Gewicht ist ideal. Für den Preis kann ich nur empfehlen.
Dario Dario
Bewertet amNov 04, 2023
Bel prodotto davvero. Un pó scettico all'inizio completamente ricreduto.
Marion Chartier Marion Chartier
ok for the price
Bewertet amNov 03, 2022
The parcel arrived fast, the quality seems to match what you expect for the price.All small pegs and parts are there, some things are half glued and the small black plastic tubes covering some of the pegs are weirdly cut. The ball rotates very well. The ball is quite sturdy and very heavy, and it seem honestly that it will do the job just fine. The plastic base holding the pegs arrived broken.
Antwort des Kundenservice: Dear customer ,
Sorry for the inconvenience has caused to you .

You can contact customer service for support, and we are always working on improving product quality.
Any questions,welcome to contact us !

Best regards,
Bewertet amMar 14, 2023
best buy ever
Bewertet amFeb 01, 2023
it's a magic ball. She make my work easyer and nice.
ToMa ToMa
Bewertet amDec 26, 2022
Alles wie beschrieben, gute Alternative zu sonst wesentlich teureren.

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