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VEVOR Waffeln Maschine 1100W  Drehbare Waffeleisen 220V Waffelautomat Waffeleisen für 4 Waffeln

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Waffeln Maschine 1100W Drehbare Waffeleisen 220V Waffelautomat Waffeleisen für 4 Waffeln


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9 Bewertungen
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proshka proshka
Bewertet amNov 17, 2024
nach ein mal benutzen ist das Produkt kaputt ich wollte Zurück senden aber bis jetzt kein meldet sich habe mehrere Mals geschrieben bis jetzt keine Antwort
Antwort des Kundenservice: Es tut uns sehr leid, wenn Sie Probleme mit Ihrem Produkt haben. Bitte wenden Sie sich per E-Mail an unser Kundendienstteam und stellen Sie uns entsprechende Bilder oder Videos zur Verfügung. Unser Kundendienstteam wird sein Bestes geben, um Ihnen bei der Lösung von Produktproblemen zu helfen. Bitte beachten Sie die Kontaktdaten im untenstehenden Link.
Bewertet amNov 27, 2024
Kimberly Lewis Kimberly Lewis
Perfect waffles
Bewertet amOct 15, 2024
I love the fact that this waffle iron does what it says. The waffles are deep fluffy and I love the edges brown. It’s nice that you can adjust it according to what your needs are. I’m so happy I bought this and would highly recommend it to anyone this is so much better than, a typical waffle iron that you get from a superstore
Wise Guy Moderator Wise Guy Moderator
Lightly used product resold and repacked
Bewertet amOct 09, 2024
The product works as advertised but I noticed that there were fingerprints and residue of butter. The package should have been sold and advertised as used but in great/excellent condition. Not "new"It's somewhat bulky compared to other commercial waffle makers but it does its jobThere is not recommended temperature or time to keep in the waffle. You would have to experiment with the temperatures or follow along with instructions from a waffle mix package or video blog/recipe online.I recommend to purchase directly with the manufacturer in the future. It may actually be cheaper
Bastian Schulze Bastian Schulze
Bewertet amJul 27, 2024
Das beste Waffeleisen das ich je gesehen habe. Meine Freundin hat sich mega darüber gefreut. Top Qualität. Kann auch als Kontaktgrill genutzt werden. Absolute Kaufempfehlung.
Ahyun Kim Ahyun Kim
Wie erwartet!
Bewertet amDec 11, 2021
Es ist einwandfrei! Funktioniert so gut! Genau, dass ich wollte:) Preiswerter als anderen teueren, und sehr gut!
Hategan Marius Hategan Marius
Bewertet amNov 17, 2021
Waffeleisen Waffelautomat Einzeln Waffelmaker Rund Rutschfest Alarm Led-licht
Makes good waffles read the review please
Bewertet amDec 27, 2020
First off may I thank the contributor who responded to my question on 'rotating' so quickly - really helpful and much appreciated. Got this as a gift Xmas'20 and very pleased with it so far. The construction is sturdy as you would expect from commercial stainless steel and the same goes for buttons, dials etc. I like commercial grade products but keep in mind its a little bulky. No plastic sides! or case. Also not a product which can go away in draw that easily. It arrives in a sizable box. This particular model does not rotate. It is incorrectly described on the web site. That said it cooks really WELL and its FAST. I make a 4 corner waffle in less then 3 mins. The lower plate cooks a bit more and my advice is go with a lower temperature setting. We like our waffles that bit crispier - each to their own. The instructions are a real mis-mash, talking about Fever at one line... they have used some sort of auto translate package. A good waffle base recipe is important. I keep a mix in the fridge - ready for action :) and its as quick as toaster, you just need a few tests to get the settings and mix right. Hope this is helpful and I believe there is a twin version of this waffle maker.
cheryl clarke cheryl clarke
Bewertet amNov 30, 2020
Tropicool Cafe Kiapidis Tropicool Cafe Kiapidis
Top Qualität Waffeleisen
Bewertet amMar 08, 2021
Guter Shop! Liefert schnell.

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